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Promotion of Early Career Researchers
The University of Ulm and the Medical Faculty, respectively, offer many possibilities to support experimental dissertations (Dr. med.), mobility, and independence of young investigators and in particular female researchers.
Promotion of early career researchers is also an important concern to our research group! In the following, you will find a compilation of relevant links, guiding you to your potential next funding or award. Don’t hesitate to contact the persons responsible for the respective programme.
Jana Riegger-Koch has benefited from many of these opportunities and is willing to share her experience – please feel free to contact Jana via mail (jana.riegger@uni-ulm.de).
If you want to join our lab for your thesis, please click here for more information.
Personal development
Do you want to improve your soft skills and prepare for future professional challenges? There are various interesting workshops in terms of leadership, scientific excellence (grant writing, presentations, …), self-management and many more!
Take some time for yourself and browse through the manifold programme:
Training activities of the University Ulm: https://www.uni-ulm.de/weiterbildung/
Graduate & Professional Training Center Ulm (ProTrainU): https://www.uni-ulm.de/misc/graduate-professional-training-center-ulm/kurse/
Research/ personal grants and awards
You have a great idea for a new research project or want to attend a conference, but need financial support? Or maybe you have written a grant proposal and need some additional counselling for application? There are many funding opportunities for your specific demands.
Funding programmes of Graduate & Professional Training Center Ulm (ProTrainU): https://www.uni-ulm.de/misc/graduate-professional-training-center-ulm/programme-und-foerderungen/foerderungen/
Center for Research Strategy and Support (Res.UL): https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/resul/funding/early-career/
Support for female researchers
The Equal Opportunities Portal of the University Ulm offers different financial support programmes for female researchers, e.g., start-up fundings, funding of own position, and laboratory assistance during pregnancy or breast-feeding, for female scientists.
And have you heard about the ExzellenziaUlm Network? The network provides active support to female researchers concerning their career and personal development. Visit the homepage of the ExzellenziaUlm Network and subscribe to the newsletter and never miss a great opportunity!
Moreover, we highly recommend the MuT – Mentoring and Training – Programme of the LaKoG (Landeskonferenz für Gleichstellung) Baden-Württemberg. On this website you find tenders to grants and programmes for women, special trainings, and many more!